Welcome to the Hardy Orchid Society

We share an interest in the wild, native orchids of Britain and the rest of Europe, as well as those from similar temperate climates throughout the world. HOS is a valuable society for anyone with an interest in wild orchids and a must for orchid enthusiasts. Our activities include:

The website has useful infomation on the UK orchid flora with comprehensive photographic galleries and data pages on individual species. This resource can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.

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Welcome to the Hardy Orchid Society

We share an interest in the wild, native orchids of Britain and the rest of Europe, as well as those from similar temperate climates throughout the world. HOS is a valuable society for anyone with an interest in wild orchids and a must for orchid enthusiasts. Our activities include:

The website has useful infomation on the UK orchid flora with comprehensive photographic galleries and data pages on individual species. This resource can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.

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more about HOS

Conservation & Propagation

Many native orchid populations have been lost due to human activities. We are committed to the propagation and conservation of wild orchids. We work with Wildlife Trusts and other bodies to protect and enhance orchid populations. The Hardy Orchid Society is happy to advise on site management for the benefit of orchids in the wild.

Journal of the Hardy Orchid Society

Members receive a full colour quarterly journal with articles on a wide range of orchid topics that will interest experts and beginners.

Field Trips

Each season we organise a varied programme of visits to orchid sites around the UK.

Meetings & Competitions

We hold meetings at different locations with illustrated talks on a variety of orchid topics, orchid plant sales and both plant and photographic competitions. Our annual seed-sowing workshops are very popular with Members.

Hardy Orchid Society Online

As well as this website Members have access to a moderated Discussion Forum that provides opportunities for communication and information exchange on orchids.

HOS Conservation Grant

We support the safeguarding of wild orchid populations and the preservation of wild habitats for the benefit of present and future generations. The Hardy Orchid Society Conservation Grants aim to encourage communities to incorporate orchid conservation work into their environmental initiatives by contributing a small sum to help protect and enhance wild orchids and their habitats.

The 2024 HOSCG funding round is closed and grants were awarded to Barnby Moor (Yorkshire) and Spithurst churchyard, Sussex.

Plant Show 2024

The 2024 Plant Show was held during the Southern Meeting at Kidlington. Moira Tarrant won 'Best in Show' for Orchis italica in Class 9 and the plant is featured on the back cover of the Summer 2023 JHOS. Moira also won the Banksian medal for 2024. The Chairman’s Award was won by Neil Hubbard for Orchis anthropophora in Class 10 and the Grower's Award went to Moira Tarrant for Ophrys lutea . The complete results and photographs of some of the entries are included in the Spring 2024 JHOS and will be added to the Plant Show pages of the website in due course.

HOS Meetings 2024

Seed Sowing Workshop at Hagbourne
Sunday 18th August 2024
Details & Booking Form
Fully Booked

Leeds Autumn Meeting
Saturday 7th September 2024

Southern Autumn Meeting at Kidlington
Sunday 17th November 2024

Field Trips 2024

Details of the field trip programme for 2024 are available now on the Field Trips webpage.

Seeds and Sundries

The orchid seed list and list of orchid seed sowing sundries can be accessed from these links. Seeds and materials are only available to members of the Hardy Orchid Society. Contact details for the Seed Bank Manager, John Haggar, are in JHOS.

Website Update

Due to a server failure at our hosting company we have had to rebuild and replace the entire website on a new server. Whilst this is mostly complete some links may still need to be updated.


Several HOS members are able to contribute talks or lectures for interested organisations. Details are available HERE.


Informative Photographic Display

The Scientific Show has been reformatted as an 'Informative Photographic Display'. CLICK HERE for more information


Spring 2024 JHOS Published

spring 2024 JHOS cover

The front cover of the Spring 2024 JHOS features Neil Hubbard’s Ophrys tenthredinifera, a winner in the 2024 Plant Show. The back cover has Moira Tarrant’s Orchis italica which won the ‘Best in Show’ trophy. More winners from the excellent photography by Jon Evans are included, as well as all results from the show. A major part of this issue is the inclusion of articles from Richard Bateman and Bill Temple on the growing interest in creating and maintaining orchid meadows and how this relates to ‘rewilding’. The complete contents can be seen on the JHOS webpages.

Photographic Competition 2023

Anacamptis pyramidalis

The Maren Talbot Photographic Trophy was won by Gillian Elsom for this image of Anacamptis pyramidalis with Melitaea cinxia (Glanville Fritillary) taken in Corfu. Click here for all the results and winning images.